The Bebe Munchee protocol is designed to help infants and young children develop proper orofacial and jaw function through chewing exercises. The Bebe Munchee appliance, a soft medical grade silicone chewable tool, helps promote correct tongue posture, strengthen jaw muscles, and encourage proper oral habits. The protocol is often used to address issues like poor muscle tone, incorrect swallowing patterns, mouth breathing, or early signs of malocclusion.

The key to your baby engaging positively with the Bebe Munchee is to aim for small interactions and to follow their lead.  

MYO Device

Goals of the Bebe Munchee Protocol:

Promote nasal breathing: Encouraging children to breathe through their nose rather than their mouth, which is important for proper facial development.
Strengthen the jaw and facial muscles: Ensuring that the muscles responsible for chewing, swallowing, and speaking are developing properly.
Encourage proper tongue posture: Helping the tongue rest in the correct position on the roof of the mouth, which supports the nasalmaxillary complex (roof of the mouth and floor of the nose).
Supports healthy oral habits:  Preventing or addressing habits such as thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged pacifier use that may contribute to orofacial dysfunction.

General Guidelines for the Bebe Munchee Protocol:

1. Introduce the Bebe Munchee Early:

  • The Bebe Munchee can be introduced as early as when the first teeth appear (typically around 6 months)
  • Begin by allowing the baby to explore the device with their mouth, getting accustomed to the feel and texture.

2. Gradual Use:

  • Start with short sessions of chewing on the Bebe Munchee (around 30 seconds to 1 minute) a few times per day.
  • Gradually increase the duration as the baby becomes more comfortable and skilled in using it.

3. Encourage Nasal Breathing:

  • Ensure that he child is breathing through their nose while using the Munchee. This can help reduce mouth breathing habits.
  • Monitoring the baby during use ensures that they maintain proper posture and breathing.

4. Supervised Chewing Sessions:

  • Always supervise the baby while using the Bebe Munchee to ensure safety and correct usage.
  • Encourage the baby to chew on the appliance evenly, alternating sides of the mouth to promote balanced muscle development.

5. Daily Practice:

  • Use the Bebe Munchee daily, with consistency being key to achieving long-term results.
  • Sessions can occur during playtime, while the child is sitting, or when they are in a calm and alert state.

6. Progress Monitoring:

  • Track the baby’s progress in terms of improved chewing ability, better tongue posture, and enhanced nasal breathing.
  • Adjust the frequency and duration of use based on the child’s needs and response to the therapy.

7. Incorporate into a Broader Therapy Plan:

  • The Bebe Munchee protocol is often part of a broader therapeutic approach, possibly including myofunctional therapy, dental care, or speech therapy.
  • Consultation with professionals, such as a pediatric dentist or myofunctional therapist, can help tailor the protocol to the child’s specific needs.

Who Can Benefit from the Bebe Munchee Protocol

  • Infants with Feeding Difficulties: The Bebe Munchee can help improve sucking and chewing skills in infants with poor oral motor function.
  • Children with Mouth Breathing Habits: It encourages the development of nasal breathing, which is crucial for proper facial development.
  • Children with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders: For issues like tongue thrust, improper swallowing, or weak facial muscles, the Bebe Munchee can be an effective tool for strengthening and correcting oral motor function.
  • Early signs of Malocclusion: The appliance can help guide proper jaw and dental alignment by encouraging balanced muscle development.
  • Pacifier Replacement: The Bebe Munchee is a great replacement to allow the age-appropriate activity of chewing to become more active rather than staying with the early survival mechanism of feeding which is sucking.
  • Tongue Tie: The Bebe is an essential tool for babies that have tethered oral tissues- whether the tie has been release or not.
  • Sinus & Eustachian Tube Drainage: It is the action of chewing and swallowing that are the motions that should be keeping any fluid from building up in the sinuses and ear canals. Stagnation of fluid will more likely lead to sinus and ear infections.
  • Teething: The Bebe will stimulate the teething process as it is the action of chewing which stimulates the eruption of the teeth.
  • Special Needs: The Bebe is a great sensory tool- the more oral stimulation we can provide to up regulate the nervous system the better.
  • Neurosensory Tool: The oral motor function is guided by oral sensation. The mouth is rich in sensory innervation. There is sensory information coming from tongue, lips, palate, and teeth; as well as proprioception information from the jaw muscles.

When to Consult a Professional:

If a child has persistent feeding difficulties, speech delays or signs orofacial dysfunction, its important to consult with a pediatric dentist or myofunctional therapy. These professionals can provide a comprehensive evaluation and help integrate the Bebe Munchee protocol into a broader treatment plan tailored to the child’s needs.

In summary, the Bebe Munchee protocol is a preventive and therapeutic tool used to promote healthy oral development, encourage proper orofacial function, and address early signs of dysfunctions. Regular use, combined with professional guidance, can help support optimal outcomes for the child’s oral health and development.   


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